
Concat Mom and Dad email columns in PowerSchool using LISTAGG in oracle

We used this to feed to our notification systems. (Absent notifications, Drills, Snow days, etc...)

The query:

SELECT s.dcid,
listagg(ea.EMAILADDRESS, ',')
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY s.dcid, ea.emailaddress) "Guardian_email"


Jquery and PowerSchool- If statement - show hidden fields

The below will target a div and make it appear and disappear depending on what is selected in another field.





 $j("#ELStatusField").change(function() {

  if ($j(this).val() == "01" || $(this).val() == "06") {


    $j('#AccessElls').attr('required', '');

    $j('#AccessElls').attr('data-error', 'This field is required.');

  } else {



Add custom fields to PowerSchool

1. add custom fields

System> custom fields/ screen>Student Fields Click new.

Add new field to table

system> Page and data management> Manage Database Extentions>

Select table to extend> Usually "Students"

Select "Advanced Extentions"


Select Table you want extention/field to go into 


Then click next again

Step 4 is where you ad your newly created field

Click "add"

Migrate Data from: Select your fields from the drop down

you can't make changes to this skype meeting because it has some properties that are not valid. if changes are necessary, please

This error,

You can't make changes to this Skype Meeting because it has some properties that are not valid. If changes are necessary, please delete this meeting and reschedule.


What fixed it for our user:

Make sure Skype for Business is running! 

Drupal Quiz Module- Export Points instead of text answers for multiple choice questions.

This view will allow you to export the "Point_awarded" field.

View needs to look exactly like below based off the "results" view in Quiz Module under Quiz tab> Results button click the sprocket.


Below is the "View" view (haha)  


Drupal 7 Block that displays specific field belonging to displaying node using Views

I used this to display downloadable files that belonged to the node displaying. 


Add Contextual Filter

Block written into my template


Drupal 7- My WYSIWYG text Editor disappeared! When I go back to edit content in body field!

This drove me crazy.  Check the text in your body field, or whatever text field and see if you have the word "select" in your content text.  Sometimes it identifies it as a SQL injection.  Use a different word than "select" in your text.  
Not sure if there's a work around but I use a synonym for it in my content.  


Joomla 2.5 and ReCaptcha v1 - March 31, 2018 API retired

I have an inherited Joomla 2.5 site that the company if not ready to migrate to Joomla 3.  As of March 31, 2018 Recaptcha v1 no longer works. The API has been retired.  

Joomla 2.5 does not run recaptcha v2  without a work around. (Joomla 3 uses v2)


Here my work around if your Joomla 2.5 site is getting nailed with spam.

Captcha Q&A

Drupal 7 Views Group Filters for sorting Webform Data! Yeay! -Drupal Girl

I could really find any clear direction on how to do this anywhere so here you go: 

I am assuming you know how to create a view. 

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Here's an overview of the view completed:

Stop Drupal 7 from banning friendly IPs - Drupal 7 IP Blocked

Drupal will block a user's IP if too many attemps are made to access the Drupal 7 site within a set amount of time.


To change this default setting (5 times) add the following lines to your settings.php file.

$conf['user_failed_login_user_limit'] = PHP_INT_MAX;
$conf['user_failed_login_user_window'] = 5;


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