First we need to build the API so PowerAutomate can talk to Drupal.
I am developing this for a School Distrct HR Power Platform. This piece is for the Job Board where HR can get a staffing request from a supervisor. From there they can create a job posting from with in the Power Platform. That posting will go public on a Drupal 9 site.
I choose to use Drupal instead of Power Portal cause it's cheaper.
I will be using the module Rest UI and Postman to set up the API.
Example: (For the article content type) OR (For User accounts if you want to write a User register call to make users)
NOTE: You cannot use USER 1 for this part, create a user for the API with admin permissions.
**** Something I ran into re-creating this was... Make sure there are no cookies. Cookies cause a 403 error message.