Drupal 7 Views Group Filters for sorting Webform Data! Yeay! -Drupal Girl

I could really find any clear direction on how to do this anywhere so here you go: 

I am assuming you know how to create a view. 

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Here's an overview of the view completed:

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Add the Relationship in the Advance section

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Put the Node ID of your webform, Mine is 955 *** I renamed my indentifier to "Submission Number of beds" so I could Indentfy it in the filter criteria and contextual filters:

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Select the webform's component you would like to access and click "Apply":

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Now add Contextual Filter and check "Webforn submission data: Data field"

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Add the fields:

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Add the Node filter:

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Now the group filter :) 

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Tick the "Expose this filter to visitors, to allow them to change it" and select "Grouped filters" and tick "Optional":

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


Enter the key values for the component. Here is a side by side comparison of the webform values and the view:


Click the Manual entry link all the way on the right bottom to view the the value and labels.

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms

Now you can see the values.

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms

Here is how you input it into the view. :)

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms


And WoooHooo you can filter by the component option values. :)

Groups filters in views Drupal 7 for webforms