URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article/{{article_uuid}}
HTTP 200 response. The response body contains the JSON:API object of a single article node, including attributes, relationships, and links.
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article
HTTP 200 response. The response body contains the JSON:API object of max. 50 articles, including link to next.
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article?page[limit]=10
JSON response of max. 10 articles, including links to next.
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article?page[limit]=10&page[offset]=10
HTTP 200 response. The response body contains the JSON:API object of max. 10 articles, including links to prev, next, etc.
For more information about pagination, see: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/jsonapi/pagination
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article?sort=nid
HTTP 200 response. The response body contains the JSON:API object of articles, sorted by nid ascending. Use &sort=-nid to sort descending.
For more information about sorting, see: https://www.drupal.org/node/2803141
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article?filter[article-title][path]=titl...{{title_filter}}&filter[article-title][operator]==
HTTP 200 response. The response body contains the JSON:API object of articles, filtered by 'title' field value matching the value '{{title_filter}}'
For more information about filters, see: https://www.drupal.org/node/2943641
Newer syntax
Older syntax
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article/{{article_uuid}}?include=field_image,field_image.image,field_image.image.file--file&fields[field_image]=image&fields[file--file]=uri,url
HTTP 200 response. The response body contains the JSON:API object of included media image relationships, matching the single article node by '{{article_uuid}}'
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article?fields[node--article]=uid,title,...
HTTP 200 response. The response body includes a user object containing all information about the associated user. The same syntax will work for other related data such as taxonomy term.
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article/{{article_uuid}}?include=field_user_ref_example,field_user_ref_example.ref_example_profile
HTTP 200 response. The response body includes a user object containing all information about the associated user and its profile. The same syntax will work for other related data that also contains a reference field.
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/node/article?fields[node--article]=uid,title,...
HTTP 200 response. The response body includes a user object containing the specified fields in the related object (in this case, author name and author email). The same syntax will work for other related data such as taxonomy term.
URL: http://example.com/jsonapi/user/user?filter[anon][condition][path]=uid&f...
HTTP 200 response. The response body contains the JSON:API object of user accounts in the system, excluding the anonymous user account. Note that if you want to get a list of all user accounts, you must use the above query, as simply issuing a GET request to /jsonapi/user/user will result in a HTTP 403 error.
As config entities (menu, node type, tour) are not equal to content entities (nodes, users) this is a little more tricky. Currently config entities are read only.
For easy testing we use user-1 and the basic_auth module.
Enable basic auth module
Assume the user-1 name is admin and password is admin
Using the following command will list menu's.
curl \ --header 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \ http://admin:admin@drupal.d8/jsonapi/menu/menu