PowerApps, SharePoint List, PowerAutomate- Public submission. Move item where user cannot edit any further.

The Scenario:
We are using PowerApps as a UI for organization wide users to submit Grant applications. Forms is not an option because users need to come back in and be able to edit. So I created a multi-screen form app that saves the users progress section by section.

Funny issue in powerapps- too early in the AM. Date format displays strange word.

So it is way too early in the AM for issues to be coming up.  My brain couldn't comprehend this issue when it came up.

My date format was displaying " lulv" on my app.  A google search brought up some naughty sites and I was like "Whaaaaat?" LOL


Power Apps get rid of Blank Value in dropdown filters -ClearCollect

The issue.  Using a DISTINCT function in my dropdown brought in the blank value some records had in that column(Field). I didn't need the filter to have the blank value for filtering.

Display: none; for ICONS to stop the blinking- CSS Font Awesome- Drupal 7

Here's the css code from an unordered list

I believe it is the "SVG"  selector that takes away the blinky thing.


Power BI- Embedded reports- remove navigation tabs from display

How to Hide Power BI iFrame Embedded Report Tabs


Show the navigation tabs:

<iframe width="1140" height="541.25" src="https://app.powerbi.com/reportEmbedYOUR-REPORT_URL" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Remove Hard Wax off eyelashes use a hairdryer! Not a tech post but important information

Haha! I believe this is important information for anyone who uses hard wax for eyebrow hair removal.

Upon waxing my eyebrows I dripped hard wax onto my eyelashes.  It was horrible. 

I tried ice like some posts said but it did nothing.  I tried lotions and oils, nothing.

I waited it out to see if it would just break down by itself... it was laughing at me.

So finally, I read somewhere to use a hair dryer to soften the wax.  BINGO! The hard wax melted and I was able to brush the wax off my eyelashes without the lashes coming out. 


Add JSON code snippets to your PowerAutomate Flow for dynamic content

Add JSON array to your flow to add attachement to your SharePoint List using PowerAutomate Flows.

1. Add step "Parse JSON"

PowerAutomate Parse Attachment array for flows

To parse arrays in PowerAutomate you need to get the Json code snippets.

In this example I am getting the Attachment aray of a MS Form for one of my flows.

Use the flow to which you are going to get the array from:

1. Test the flow.

2. After the run get the "Get Response details" outputs.

Create SharePoint List item from MS forms and add attachments to SharePoint List

Situation:  I have a MS Form "New hire questionnaire" that collects information from a New Hire that will be starting with our company. I am using MS Forms, which is available to the public facing user without authentication. So no need to sign in. This would be the first step on our automated "Onboarding" process. This MS Form will populate a "New Hire" lookup list so the HR department can use the data to start a process for the new hire to be ready to go on their first day of work.

Count If SharePoint List Column value equals string value in a label for your PowerApps in MS

The issue : If a column value equals specific value then count powerapps string text


1. Add a label


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